Every year around the world we cerebrate international day of peace, all organization, institution working in peace building cerebrate this day.
Transformational leadership center (TLC) is one of Rwandan local organization working on peace building in Rwanda through its one department of children’s peace libraries. This department has different activities and one of them; it works on conflict resolution using the peer mediation trainings with the students and the youth Peace club in the schools.

This year 2019 on 20th and 21st September, transformational leadership center cerebrated an International Day of peace with the theme says that “Climate Action for peace”
International day of peace was organized by two children’s peace Libraries Gicumbi and Kigali. At Kigali the ceremony happened at 20th with 140 participants (120 students and 20 adults) it started by planting the trees at Group scolaire Kicukiro and George fox kagarama primary school. The local authorities, headmasters, teachers and students from peace clubs planting the trees to protecting environment.
At Gicumbi the ceremony happened 21st /09/2019, it started at 9:00am by walking peace of local authorities, students, police, teachers and TLC Stuff ,walk of all participants from main road of Gicumbi District crossing in Gicumbi town then come back to the hall of Gicumbi District where the ceremony took place. In the walking they use to sing the songs of peace. The total number of participant were 120(100students and 20 Adult)

In peace walking they pass at Inyange primary school and planting the trees on this school, all trees they planted both Kigali and Gicumbi are fruit trees (Mangoes, orange, guava and avocado)
The cerebration was wonderful to all two libraries. The youth students members of peace clubs shared peace messages to the gatherings of people through poems, Role plays (sketch) dance and songs, in their message all students said about how the drugs, air pollution (Global warming), and cutting the trees destroy our environment, and when the environment is destroyed we could not have enough peace, they give the message to all participants of caring environment for having sustainable peace.

The parents, teachers, head teachers and all local authorities who had speech, they turn back on environment protection by stop using the drugs, reducing air pollution and by planting the trees in case of building peace. One of the leaders of Gicumbi said that one of our environment is a Human(person) and sometime the Human are destroy by using Drugs, etc. we must fighting against the human destruction because is him/her who will build and protect environment.
The local authorities, students and others participants thank so much TLC, for his program of teaching the young about peace and conflict resolution, will grow-up with this culture. They thank TLC also for providing the trees to plant in the schools. They asked TLC to buy more trees for each child who were in the ceremony to plant at their home.