On November 12, 2022 at Gicumbi children peace library we held a Read Aloud session with 14 children (3 boys and 11 girls). In this activity we use the story book called: “Ntwari and the Old Man”. The children were able to draw out the main message of the book which was that everyone needs…
Read MoreTransformational Leadership Center supports the saving for Life and Loans program which is transforming rural communities in Gicumbi district. This program teaches community members the importance of saving money and prioritizing expenses such as health insurance and school fees. Community members are also taught how to get access to loans for starting small businesses to…
Read MoreAgriculture continues to be strategic sector in development of Rwanda. many citizens experience the train placed on their owners land and there is need to raise food security and reduce poverty rate. Transformational Leadership Center helps citizens from Gicumbi district to increase their food security. Private farmers from this area are adopting a new and…
Read MoreSince 2016 Jean d’Amour Tuyizere he has been helping children’s peace libraries of Rwanda in different programs such as: culture of peace building through peer mediation ,Reading books, Read aloud labyrinth and Peace debates with Social media .right now am still helping all those things but the special thing am doing nowadays is helping Gicumbi…
Read MoreAbove photos shows TLC Team receiving gift of Kinyarwanda books from Jocelyne. Above picture shows Jocelyne with TLC advisor Bucura David visiting Gicumbi Children’s Peace Library.
Read MoreOn May 04th, 2022, at Transformational leadership center (TLC) we hosted visitors from the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) coming from Rwanda. Our leaders appreciated the visitors and explained to them all activities available at TLC-Rwanda and others related to children’s peace libraries activities as well as the programs that are promoting literacy through reading books…
Read MoreIn Rwanda, as we are still commemorating 100 days of the genocide committed against Tutsi in 1994.Today on 10th May 2022, in Kigali Children’s Peace Library in collaboration with George Fox primary school, we had a Walk To Remember activity together with children of the above mentioned school, we invited the local authorities who gave a brief…
Read MoreIn Rwandan culture, reading books is still not seen as an important skill or hobby to have. The Children’s Peace Libraries, run by TLC, are still working to improve the culture of reading and peace through different activities like: Peace debates, Read Aloud programs, encouraging children to read books about peace by themselves, and more. …
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