It is difficult to contribute books directly to our library, as shipping to Rwanda is very expensive and purchasing books in the region is also costly.  If you would like to send us books anyway, contributions can be mailed to:

Children’s Peace Education Network
PO 4116 Kigali, Rwanda

Donations can be made through the Friend’s Peace Teams, a 501c3 nonprofit organization. On the donate page, click the dove and select “Friends Peace Libraries” designation on the form. Monetary donations are essential for the upkeep of the libraries and are used for a variety of purposes:

– Providing salaries for librarians
– Contributing to monthly rent for the libraries
– Purchasing materials for the spaces such as bookshelves, tables, and chairs
– Funding workshops such as peer mediation and conflict resolution

Checks can be made out to Friends Peace Teams (earmarked Children’s Peace Library) and mailed to:

African Great Lakes Initiative
Friends Peace Teams
1001 Park Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63104